Since my stroke there have been lots of adjustments and changes. Some adjustments have been very very difficult while some have been welcomed. For such a long time before the stroke I needed and wanted certain changes, unsure as to how to go about making this happen. After the stroke I had absolutely no choice but to make a change in my personal life. I have always heard of a "silver lining" and have witnessed that in my life many times, the stroke being the most recent silver lining.
The stroke forced me to completely surrender control for a while, with that came a serenity and freedom allowing me to just trust the process. Very suddenly things started happening beyond my control. I will be the first to admit, when I moved out of the drivers seat and let God handle things, things worked out better than I ever could have imagined.
Now very shortly I will be on my way to Phase II of my progress. I am thankful for the opportunity to start a new career and very thankful for my family.
The journal above was an old journal from last year. I took the entire journal and gessoed it....completely. In it now contains hopes, dreams and plans for the future symbolizing a new focus and a beautiful serenity.